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Sydney Philharmonia Choirs | Berliner Messe Reviews


Limelight Magazine – Harriet Cunningham
A moving concert, which left everyone present wrapped in a warm, sonic hug.
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Sydney Arts Guide – Geoffrey Sykes
The Vox young adult choir seemed flawless and disciplined throughout this complex diverse program.
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J-Wire – Fraser Beath McEwing
The 340 Covid-capacity audience had been treated to first class performance both in execution and in program choice.
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Sydney Morning Herald – Peter McCallum
Vox cut through the imposing and potentially overwhelming space of Saint Andrew’s Cathedral with purity of sound, clarity of articulation and precision of pitch
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Saturday 13th March 2pm and 5pm
St Andrews Cathedral

Deborah CHEETHAM & Matthew DOYLE Tarimi nulay – long time living here
Ēriks EŠENVALDS The Heavens Flock
Arvo PÄRT Berliner Messe
Ēriks EŠENVALDS Only in Sleep
Aija DRAGUNS Lux æterna*
Arvo PÄRT Morning Star
Arvo PÄRT Da pacem, Domine
Pēteris VASKS Pater noster
Matthew ORLOVICH Joyful, Joyful!*†

* Premiere
† Matthew Orlovich’s Joyful, Joyful! was commissioned as part of our 100 Minutes of New Australian Music centenary project in 2020. We’re delighted to be performing it at last.

Elizabeth Scott conductor
Sydney Philharmonia Chamber Orchestra
Fiona Ziegler concertmaster