Katie Blake – Non-Executive Director – Member
Katie began her career as a librarian with a Bachelor of Arts, Diploma of Library from University of NSW. She was a pioneer in the digital information world. After ten years as a librarian at the University of Sydney, she worked for the first providers of online academic databases, establishing and managing Australian and New Zealand offices for several US companies. As information technology developed through CD-ROM then web, Katie moved with it. For seven years she wrote a highly regarded newsletter covering the information industry.
Her career included managerial roles with information companies including Dialog, SilverPlatter, and IHS Australia. For over five years she worked with a consortium of Australian universities managing the construction and development of open-source digital repositories for academic research data.
Database design is a continuing interest. She has created music lending systems for Sydney Philharmonia Choirs and The Sydney Gay & Lesbian Choir, and a library system for The Women’s Library.
Music has always been a great joy and she still plays the piano for fun. She has been an SPC chorister since 2007, first with the Festival Chorus, then the Symphony Chorus from 2011.
Term expires May 2024