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Sydney Philharmonia Choirs | Employee Support Page

Hello Team SPC!

This page is here to provide you with some guidance, as well as an opportunity for you to give feedback and suggestions. If there are helpful links or information you’d like to have here, please feel free to suggest it!


Every staff member is employed to perform according to SPC Policies. These are in place to protect you, and to ensure you feel safe whilst still ensuring the sustainability and professionalism of Sydney Philharmonia Choirs. It’s important that you know where to find them and can access them at any time. The policies can be found in the Google Drive under Teams > Policies, or you can check out our policies at this link.


It’s important that your wellbeing and mental health is supported. For that reason, SPC has engaged an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider – Veretis.

Veretis can help you with personal issues, relationship concerns, work problems – we strongly encourage you to look after yourself and access this program if you need any support.


Here are some other links that may help you;

The Arts Wellbeing Collective

Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636

NSW Govt Mental Health Line – 1800 011 511


Sometimes it can be hard to discuss a tricky or confronting matter in person. Please feel free to access this form if you would like to start a conversation or give some feedback to the Executive Director. It can be made anonymously, and any feedback will remain confidential unless otherwise agreed.